All the information you will need!


The 78th Session of Girls State will be:
June 20 – June 28, 2024
Forward forever,
Backward never,
Within ourselves our future lies.


Girls State is practical application of Americanism and good citizenship. The entire program is a non-partisan, non-political, non-sectarian attempt to teach and inculcate in the young women of America a love of God and country. With its inception brought a new form of training in government processes for young women who will compose a large percentage of our citizenry tomorrow. Girls State was organized as a national Americanism activity of the American Legion Auxiliary in 1937; to inspire and develop interest in the study of government, foster civic leadership, but most of all, to stimulate a desire to protect the privileges and responsibilities of our democratic form of government. Outstanding high school girls attend Girls State each year, nationally about 20,000 young women attend yearly. Florida has 300 each year.


The purpose of Girls State is to provide citizenship training for young women completing their junior year of high school within the State of Florida; to afford them the opportunity to live together as self-governing citizens; and to inform them of the duties, privileges, rights and responsibilities of American citizenship in order that they may understand and participate in the functioning of their government. Florida Girls State was first held in 1947 and is currently attended by 30 young women who havve the opportunity of experiencing our democratic form of government by assuming the roles of city and state officials or legislators. Through these experiences young women learn of the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship which distinguishes our form of government.


Political party assignments are made for the Girls State delegates. These parties are Nationalist and Federalist. Twelve staff members serve as Advisors to 25 delegates, comprising cities. The citizens of each city hold elections to select their city government. Two cities form a county out of which Senators, Representatives and Lobbyists are elected. The Nationalists and Federalists adopt party platforms, have pep rallies and hold nominations for state government.


The citizens of Girls State elect their own Governor, Cabinet and other officials. The State Officials write bills, debate bills, committee appointments are made just like the real Florida Government.

When available, the State Capitol Senate Chambers and the House of Representatives Chambers are utilized to hold sessions. Imagine the thrill of sitting in a Senator’s chair, using the voting machine to approve and disapprove a bill! Just being in the Capitol, is exciting and adds on important touch of reality to our sessions.

More information


Delegates for Florida Girls State are selected by local units of the American Legion Auxiliary (in this case Unit 24). All registration fees are the responsibility of the local unit. Fees ae not allowed to be paid by an attendee’s family.


The staff of Florida Girls State consists of American Legion Auxiliary members who volunteer their time to ensure the success of the program. Our security is provided by female Troopers of the Florida Highway Patrol.


Students attending a Florida High School or enrolled in a Florida Home School program who have completed their junior year and are planning to attend their high school for the senior year, who are residents of the State of Florida, may apply for admission to Florida Girls State.

Any student registered as a full-time student of Florida Virtual School is not eligible to apply for the program.


The Samsung Scholarship Program should be emphasized. This scholarship is only for those delegates whose parents, grandparent or great grandparent were veterans who served during a period of war.


The American Legion Auxiliary, Florida Girls State program is held on the campus of Florida State University in Tallahassee. Citizens and staff reside in a dorm on campus.

Due to the diversity of the 300 attendees, we are unable to accommodate individual requests to attend a church of your choice during your time at Girls State. All attendees are required to remain with the program at all times. A non-denominational program is designed and performed by the delegates on Sunday morning.


Girls Nation is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary and is held in Washington D.C. each July. Two delegates of Florida Girls State will be chosen to attend Girls Nation. During Girls Nation, attendees will have the opportunity to study federal government, meet national government officials and visit places of historical interest in our Nation’s Capital.


For God and Country, as a citizen of Florida Girls State, I promise to give unselfish and constructive cooperation; to share with others the benefits of my experience at Florida Girls State; to participate in the government of my community; state and nation upon reaching my majority; and above all, to constantly exemplify the highest type of Americanism. Oath taken on the Book of Faith.


2024 Guidelines to apply for Girls State


Excellent scholastic record
Interest in the study of government
Knowledge of parliamentary procedures
Active within the community
Outgoing personality



The program is fully funded by our Unit. This includes transportation, tuition, food and lodging. Student must be available to attend the entire program. The student and her parent/guardian must be willing to attend an Orientation prior to the session.

Application for the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Florida 78th Session June 20– June 28, 2024

Congratulations for showing an interest in Girls State. Florida Girls State is a prestigious program that allows girls who are residents of Florida, who are in their junior year of high school and will be returning as a senior the next year, to engage in a weeklong intensive program on state and local government. The selected delegates will be provided with transportation to Florida State University (FSU) campus in Tallahassee, lodging, food, and all course materials at no cost to them. During this week on the campus experiences will include debating bills in the House of Representatives, and the Senate, and a mock trial in the Supreme Court.


1. This application for Girls State 2024 must be returned to or received at Post 24 no later than 3 p.m. on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.

2. Candidates selected will be contacted to come for an interview on Saturday morning, February 17, 2024. Please note this is the only time and date the interviews will occur. If you have other obligations that day and cannot make the interview, you cannot be considered as a candidate.

3. A parent or guardian is required to accompany each girl on the day of the interviews.

4. Required to be included with this application are:
• A letter of recommendation from a school official/teacher
• School transcript including attendance record
• An activity report reflecting club activities and offices held

DO NOT RETURN THIS PAGE with your application. It is a guide for you. If you have any questions, please call or text Liz Streb, Girls State Chairperson Unit 24, at (585) 281-9949 email

Application for Girls State