Duties of Officers (PDF Verison)


  • Meetings of the Unit and the Unit Executive Committee
    • 1. Format agenda
    • 2. Presides at both meetings
  • Enforce strict observance of the Constitution and Bylaws
  • Appoints chairs of standing committees
  • Create other committees and appoint chairs as deemed necessary
  • Work with any/all committees when requested
  • Signs checks
  • Work with Commander of the Post, Commander of the Sons, and Director of the Riders for joint activities
  • Represent the Auxiliary in a professional manner
  • Suggest names for unfilled officer positions to the Executive Committee to recommend for ratification by the Unit (while asking for any other recommendations)
  • Responsible for all reports for the Unit as required by District and Department
  • Attend District meetings, conferences, and conventions
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions
  • Other duties as deemed necessary

First Vice President

  • Assist the President
  • Perform the duties, if absent, of the President
  • Succeed to the Office of President in case of death, resignation, or removal of President
  • Organize initiation for new members
  • Attend both the Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Assist the First Vice when called upon
  • Succeed to the office of First Vice in case of death, resignation, or removal of First Vice • Manage/order office supplies for the Auxiliary Office
  • Attend both the Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Attends any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Receive and answer official mail under the direction of the President
  • Keep on file in a comprehensive manner, copies of all correspondence sent and received
  • Send and give notice of all meetings.
  • Record the proceedings and transactions of all meetings of the Unit and the Executive Committee
  • Keep all books, papers and records that are needed to carry on the working of the office and care for the archives of the Unit.
  • Signs checks
  • Attend both the Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Receive all monies belonging to the Unit and account for them
  • Pay bonding fee as determined by the Department
  • Maintain two (2) separate funds (General and Poppy)
  • Keep an accounting of receipts and expenditures, making an annual report thereon
  • File all federal, state, and local paperwork
  • Present all records for an annual audit as requested by audit committee
  • Assuring all current bills are paid before transferring all funds, books, vouchers, and papers belonging to the Unit to the successor
  • Attend both the Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Offer prayer at the opening and closing of each meeting
  • Send get well, sympathy, and thinking of you cards as deemed appropriate
  • Make phone calls and hospital visits as deemed appropriate
  • Notify Membership Chair of any deceased members of the Unit
  • Perform other duties as directed by the President
  • Attend both the Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Responsible for all members signing into the Unit meeting
  • Preserve order at the Unit meeting
  • Escort both to and from podium any guests
  • Helping to set up and tear down hall for meetings
  • Responsible for verifying current membership (by card), making a check behind member’s name, and handing them a ballot if eligible to vote in the annual election
  • Attend both Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Perform such duties as requested by the President
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • To assist the Sergeant-At-Arms in the following:
    • 1. Responsible for all members signing into the Unit meeting
    • 2. Preserve order at the Unit meeting
    • 3. Escort both to and from podium any guests
    • 4. Helping to set up and tear down hall for meetings
    • 5. Responsible for verifying current membership (by card), making a check behind member’s name, and handing them a ballot if eligible to vote in the annual election
  • Attend both Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Perform such duties as requested by the President
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions as possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Compile the historical records of the Unit
  • Report the above to the Department
  • Attend both Executive Committee and Unit meetings
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary events, as well as those where members of Auxiliary are participating (if unable to attend, must find someone to represent you)
  • Other duties as deemed necessary


  • Represents the Unit at the Executive Committee
    • 1. Report ideas, problems, kudos at each Executive Committee meeting
    • 2. Listen to members
  • Attend both Executive Committee and Unit Meetings
  • Attend any/all Auxiliary functions if possible
  • Other duties as deemed necessary